NCT Simple Signon - Integration without Aggravation

NCT Simple Signon is a vendor neutral tool which lets you tie IBM Lotus Domino™ based sites to corporate intranets, applications outsourced to vendors, channel partner networks, and third party applications by providing a seamless mechanism for accepting user credentials without requiring yet another login.

NCT Simple Signon includes an easy to use API to let you create your own customized authentication solutions.

We provided you a full blown implementation and schema, ready to hand other sites to begin integrating, but maybe someone else has already defined a schema and you want to take part. In either case, NCT Simple Signon provides an extremely simple mechanism for taking nearly any username and generating a session token for that name.

We provide a number of tools to help you do this, but at the barest minimum, all that's needed to use the API and create your own authentication schema are these steps:
  1. The DLL file provided with the installation must be present in your Domino server’s program directory.
  2. The License Key file provided with the installation must be present in your Domino server’s program directory.
  3. You must include the Script Library “NCT_SingleSignOn_MasterLibrary” from the Application Database in your application, and reference it in your code.

If you have done these things, and your server is properly configured for single sign on, you may use the call:

Public Function nct_createLtpaToken(Username As NotesName, LTPAorgName As String, LTPAconfigName As String ) As String

Once you've done that, set the token string you get back in a cookie on the browser side, and your users are logged in.