Pictures are from the CCFAS "Get Out Alive" class, taught by:
Lt. David Carter - Ft. Lauderdale
Lt. Troy Cool - Ft. Lauderdale
Lt. Matt Rush - Austin
Lt. Ray Bell - Miami-Dade

For those who weren't in this class but want to learn these things, please keep in mind this advice, given to us by these great brothers:

These are not safe techniques, even in practice. They're better than burning to death but otherwise should not be used to exit a building. A safety line must be used when drilling with these techniques. The ladder must be properly tied down during any drill on these techniques. Firefighting is an inherently dangerous activity and cannot be made safe (your helmet says so). Do not eat more than your mask will hold.

* These and other pictures were taken by Mike Drew - thank, Mike for sharing.

Brian & Andrew practice the rope tricks.
Bob, sick of the rest of us, dives out the window.
Don't try this at home
Bob, head first down the ladder. Don't try this at home, he's on a safety line
Andrew trying the flip to come down feet first "like a gentleman" -- the Russian judge gave this an 8.6
Way to stick the landing, Bob!

Speaking of "don't try this at home" -- here's a good shot at how the tool is used as an anchor for the rope bail. Again, note the safety line.
From outside, this move looks really cool.
Except when Andrew does it
Bob makes the transition...
...and Brian shows off the the smooth finish.
This is really a lot harder when you can't see -- really
Yes, you can quickly go through a 16 inch wide gap without removing your air pack -- once they show you the right move
Here's a good reason to sound the floor ahead of you in the dark
CCFAS "Get Out Alive" Class of 2004