Andrew Pollack's Blog

Technology, Family, Entertainment, Politics, and Random Noise

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  1. 08/22/2003New feature on this siteOk all, I've added a new feature on this site for rating the topics. If you click this, its anonymous, its fast, and it gives me feedback as to what kind of stuff you like and what kind of stuff you don't. That does not, of course, mean I'll necessary do ......
  2. 08/22/2003So, is it cool to have a sidebar ad?So tell me, dear readers, is it considered too uncool to put a sidebar box up with an advertisement for your own work or product on your blog? You tell me, what do you think? If you don't want to reply publically, send me ......
  3. 08/22/2003A faster way to update data!Notes comparisons as well. In this case, we get a dump of 2.6 million records to compare with the 60,000 or so notes documents, and have to check for changes and updates as necessary. The server is a 2 processor 300mhz machine with an old RAID system. No race car. The data we get is extremely denormalized SQL Result set data. For example, the user "X" had 360 rows of data in the Oracle view that we have to read, and he's just one person. Why so many? It has to do with the way that view is created for us. ......
  4. 08/22/2003Blogo Ergo SumSince the invention of the written word, people have kept journals and diaries. They've been personal places for troubled spirits to pour out their hearts or they've been strictly business. Consider the journal of an intrepid explorer, writing by candle ......
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